Every Thursday I hold a live presentation on a particular topic at 2pm US Eastern time. It's free to join.
I’ll be sharing knowledge that could be life-changing when it comes to knowing yourself, as well as Ego dynamics.
You’ll also have the opportunity to ask me directly your questions during the Q&A part.
Please feel free to join if you wish.
Here are some guidelines:
The calls take place on Thursdays from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time, U.S.).
The first portion of the session, lasting about 45 minutes, focuses on presenting a specific topic.
The remaining 45 minutes are dedicated to group coaching.
During the group coaching segment, participants are welcome to ask a question, provide relevant input (such as an update), or request direct coaching on a particular issue.
The presentation portion of the call may be shared publicly on YouTube. However, the full recording will be accessible only to members of select programs for their learning. If you prefer not to have your face appear in the recording, you can turn off your camera. If you would rather not have your voice included, you may type your question or comment in the chat when it’s your turn. Please have it ready to paste when needed.
To request a turn, use the “raise hand” option in Zoom’s “React” tool. You can also use the keyboard shortcut: Alt+Y on Windows or Option+Y on Mac to toggle your raised hand.
Please limit each turn to one question or topic. If you have an additional question, you may raise your hand again after receiving a response, and I will address it in order.
Whenever possible, focus on asking questions. If further support is needed, you may schedule a one-on-one session for follow-up.
To join the call at the scheduled time on Thursday, click the link below:
Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings.